Friday, March 8, 2013

Trifecta Blueprint




The physical world we observe, measure, and experience can be described in three great parts.
Vortex (Toroid)
POTL (Path of Least Resistance) or what I like to call the "Branching Effect"

We will start with one of the most fundamental:



The metaphorical and proverbial ebb and flow we find over and over again through life. Not only is this a observable and measurable effect of particles, sounds waves, and light waves but because everything in the perceivable universe is fractal in nature it expands to life experience as well and the perception we have of that experience.

Highs and lows, peaks and valleys, crests and troughs, the proverbial roller coaster we call "Life" is the result of a fundamental mechanism that organizes the physical world we experience. The wave function as observed and measured in:



Sine waves of several frequencies. Waves colored like the frequencies of the visible spectrum.

The generic term for this field of science is the study of modal phenomena, retitled Cymatics by Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor and a pioneer in this field. The word Cymatics derives from the Greek 'kuma' meaning 'billow' or 'wave,' to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration have on matter.

waves create vibrations which create form and order of not only the physical world, but the mental world, spiritual world, and metaphysical world.


Just as the wave function is an expression of sound and light and even physical vibrations like that of an earthquake these wave functions dictate the experience of our lives as well. What goes up must come down, the rise and fall of nations, the blissful suffering of existence is an expression of the wave function and inescapable mechanism that makes experience possible. The wave function is the progenitor of contrast in every possible sense that we could perceive and every possible experience we can have.


Our consciousness is made up of these waves...the varying ebb and flow determining the type of consciousness and thus the type of experience. The ebb and flow isn't always the same but none the less there is ALWAYS ebb and flow as without it there is NO consciousness, no thought, and no experience.

The wave propagates fractal from the micro to the macro and is easily observable in every day life...not only is the act of observing the result of waves...everything you see(light) is waves being interpreted by yet again more waves (brain waves).

Using alter waves resulting in different types of consciousness and experience:
Binaural beats or binaural tones are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, the perception of which arises in the brain for specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states.


DNA: (turn your head sideways to see it)

DNA is a 3d version of a wave known as a helix. One could arguably say that a wave is a 2d version of a helix. As Carl Sagan would probably agree the "flat-lander" (2 dimensional people) DNA would be a wave.

Now these are just a FEW examples of wave function mechanisms that construct consciousness, "reality", existence and the universe. The wave is responsible for the inescapable ebb and flow of life/experience.

Helical model of Solar System: 3D wave functions.




The vortex takes many different shapes but has one function: Conservation of Energy 
What goes in, must come out and what goes out must come back in. 
THIS is the shape of the laws of thermodynamics: Entropy (balance)

The simultaneous creation and destruction of reality.

The vortex is part of the same wave system organizing, creating and managing the contrast of existence.

What happens when the immoveable object meets the unstoppable force? A self regulating vortex...that's what.

-Explosions out the top (or bottom doesn't matter)
-Implosions at the bottom
-Poisitve at the top, negative at the bottom
-out and in
-up and down
-left and right
-pressurizing and the releasing pressure
-As Above...So Below...
-ALL being created and destroyed simultaneously

If you can't see it by will never see it. If you see it, you cannot unsee it.

This system of entropy is laced in every aspect of existence. The universe recycles there is no such thing as waste, just a different fuel.

The earth is fertilized with death, decay, and waste. This fertilization facilitates new life and growth which travels a wave from birth and infancy to mid life or peak life to decay and death. Chart that and you have a wave that fertilizes the soil for new life..and so the cycle of entropy continues.

At the center of this "vortex" is the where the immovable object and unstoppable force battle eternally destroying what was created and recreating what was destroyed. 

This duality persists in our subconscious and takes from in metaphor in virtually ALL of our creations as we are merely following  a blue-print of universal design. 

*angels and demons (construct)
*god and devil  (construct)
*good and bad (construct)
*love and hate (emotion)
*happiness and sadness (emotion)
*black and white (perception)
*republican and democrat (constructed belief)
*liberal and conservative (constructed belief)
*red team and blue team (metaphorical construct)
*left brain and right brain (physiological consequence of fractal blueprint)
*static and dynamic (observational, explanation)
*solid and fluid (states of matter)

See the pattern? Everything we experience, perceive and believe in is the result of the blueprint that the universe is created from and persists with. The fractal nature of complexity always retaining the fundamental nature from which it came. 

The Path of Least Resistance

Neurons in Human Brain

Mapped Universe

Did we create ourselves and forget?
Did we create the universe and forget?
Did we create each-other? Or are we all the same person simultaneously having infinitely different experiences?
Am I Consciousness itself?
Are you?
Are we?

What is the FIRST thing you would do if you created a video game?
the most immersed and virtually realistic video game is one you don't know you made and forgot you are playing...

Its like having amnesia and creating a masterful painting, looking away for a second only to look back and wonder who created something so amazing...

A few thought inspiring images illustrating the fractal "blueprint"


  1. Love your stuff! metaphysical art and info is love to talk more!
